Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2018 Vol: 10 Issue: 8

Advanced Developments of Differnet Syntheticroutes of Phthalazine Derivatives in Medicinal Chemistry


Phthalazine is a nitrogen containing compound due to their heterocyclic structure it play an important role in the development of different type of heterocyclic derivatives. In this review paper there are different type of methods are highlighted that are used for the synthesis of different type of phthalazine derivatives. Synthesized new pharmacophore are used as building blocks for the heterocyclic compounds. These building blocks are very useful in medicinal chemistry for the research work in the development of new molecule. Those molecule that have most potent and effective in pharmacological responce. In such a way it provides a new pathway for the researches.

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