Original Articles: 2011 Vol: 3 Issue: 6
A questionnaire study to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of Pharmacovigilance in a paediatric tertiary care centre
Drug safety in children is one of the neglected areas in India. Due to vulnerability of children to experience adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and lack of data from India, it is very essential to identify and report all ADRs in children. In this context, it is important to evaluate the awareness and knowledge about pharmacovigilance among the health care professionals in a paediatric hospital which would indirectly promote reporting of ADRs in children. The study was conducted at Vani Vilas Hospital, Bangalore, India using a pre designed questionnaire which was structured to obtain the designation of the doctors, information about their knowledge, attitude and practice of ADR reporting. A description approach was used to analyse the responses, and the results are expressed as a percentage of the total number of responders to that question. About 115 health care professionals were included in the study. This study showed that majority of the health care professionals have good knowledge about ADR reporting and understand the need for reporting. Lack of facilities and clinical knowledge about ADR discourages them from reporting. More emphasis was given on establishment of a regional paediatric pharmacovigilance centre in our Hospital. Educational interventions and improvement of facilities were also suggested to enhance reporting rate in children.