Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 7

A new M-learning system for higher education


Now education has been gradually expanded, and each of the components of the education has changed. Ne w portable and electronic devices take place of old t ext books. Communication and collaboration have bee n more and more discussed by the education experts. In this pa per, an emerging paradigm mobile learning is been d iscussed. Mobile learning is relatively new, so we research t he definition of m-learning, discuss its characters and the difference and connection with e-learning and u-lea rning, and propose a new m-learning system. It is p ractical for engineering learners in higher education and intell igent using learning community and personality reco mmendation. At last, the maturity measure and quality evaluatio n is introduced to assess the m-learning system.

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