Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Sustained Release Formulations of Aceclofenac: A Brief Review

Author(s): Shailendra Suryawanshi Sanjay, Shruthi B, Sarvesh, P Rama Smriti and Zaranappa

Sustained release dosage forms are designed to release a drug at a predetermined rate in order to maintain a constant drug concentration for a specific period of time with minimum side effects and play an important role in achieving the prolonged therapeutic effect of drug by continuously releasing medication over an extended period of time after administration of a single dose. Many drugs formulated in there sustained release pharmaceutical formulations for the effective treatment of disease or disorders. The Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the important class of drugs used in various commercial pharmaceutical formulations for the effective treatment of chronic disorders. Aceclofenac is one of the important NSAID used for relief of pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and alkylosing spondylitis and formulated in various sustained release dosage forms. Many research technologies have been developed for the design and formulation of sustained release dosage forms of Aceclofenac, which includes use of different types of polymeric matrix material and new methodologies were reviewed in present review along with its drug release profile.


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